Simplehuman, the maker of sleek, expensive garbage cans, just released a compost caddy. It’s a detachable compost bin that connects to the side of the larger trash bin, sort of like a sidecar on a motorcycle, if you will.
The caddy saddles up next to the larger bin with a magnetic dock and can be swiftly taken from the can to the counter while you’re prepping food. This new design is clever, but it’s nothing revolutionary. I’m writing about it, however, because it’s a sign that something bigger is happening: People want to compost?
Does a consumer need this $50 garbage bin attachment in order to properly dispose of carrot peels and potato eyes? No honey, they don’t. But if the investment serves as a visual reminder to say, “Hey! Don’t forget to compost!” then I am all for it.
I do think the caddy daddy is a little small; I drop off my compost one to two times a week and find that my freezer is overflowing by the time I finally make it to the drop-off area, but those with backyards or at-home composting systems don’t have to worry about this.
And I do wonder if the dog would be able to open the lid with her nose?
Anywho, the fact that such a mainstream (and bougie) home goods — excuse me, “efficient living” — company invested resources into creating such a product is just thrilling. In a sense, it suggests that composting can be just as pedestrian as putting waste in a trash can.
FYI, composting is important because when food scraps are tossed in the conventional trash can, they ultimately end up in the landfill, where they release methane, a greenhouse gas that contributes to the planet’s rising temperatures. When you compost, you:
Reduce the need for commercial soil conditioners and fertilizers (your compost is basically a nutritious smoothie for the dirt)
Cut down on your food waste (organic waste — food and yard scraps — make up 25 to 50% of what people throw away)
Help save water
Support plant growth
Help to sequester carbon
Cut back on the emissions required to transport garbage to landfill (though this depends on how far your compost needs to travel)
Are acting like a good little garbage girl
Just a little garbage news to feel good about today! Keep in touch and compost on.
h/t Sara G for sending this beauty my way