Note taking, but make it good for the planet (?)
PLUS: Scallions in a bottle, oat milk's humblebrag and more!
Like many writers, I’m sure, I am a Lady of Notebooks. I’ve got stacks of journals that date back to the third grade, but also “work” notebooks that I’ve collected from past corporate jobs or events passing out sick swag.
I just need to have one of these by me while I work. In my current home office setup, I have two keyboards to type upon, and yet I feel my right hand gesticulating for a pen and place to scribble a note to self or doodle, even if I don’t have paper in front of me.
Today I caught myself writing on a haphazard staircase of sticky notes (P.S. I invented these) and kind of internally rolled my eyes. Like please grow up, girl.
I took to Amazon (offense #1) to order some lined yellow legal pads and before pressing *buy now* I was like, oh let’s buy recycled paper at least, and that lead me to land upon “reusable” notebooks. I’ve known about these for some time but for some reason never considered buying one myself, despite being:
a. Good Little Garbage Girl
b. perpetually annoyed with myself for hoarding pages of meaningless notes that I never revisit but can’t seem to throw away.
And so, a very long-winded way to share that I sure did do it. I bought a reusable notebook. I landed on the Rocketbook for a few key reasons:
The brand is heavily sponsored on Amazon and was the first to appear in my search and I don’t make my own purchasing decisions, really
The notebook costs less than $20
It uses a real pen (so ink!), not a stylus*
It’s compatible with an app but I genuinely do not care about this aspect. Maybe this will change — TBD
Here’s a demo of the product, I cannot be bothered to explain its functionality:
All of this during Earth Month? Literal kismet.
*The pen has to be a specific brand, meaning I need to buy a new pen. The ink does happen to be refillable, however, which is green in theory (I admittedly have never, not once, replaced the ink cartridge of a pen).
I’m quite looking forward to my paperless chicken scratch and will keep you abreast if you’d like.
What’s new in the world of garbage?!
I’m keenly aware of the infrequency with which I post upon this blog, and pointing it out is a waste, so I shan’t.
April is infamously Earth Month, and my inbox has been teeming with green washing and, less frequently, some cool/interesting sustainability-adjacent things. Highlights of the latter include:
Trade in your Hydro Flask!!

My household is a Hydro Flask household, so this caught my eye. Using a reusable water bottle is already a green move, and Hydro Flask has dialed up the vibrancy by introducing a trade-in program a la Snail Mail. You just mail in your damaged bottle by placing a label directly on the bottle (no packaging!!) to receive credit toward your next Hydro Flask purchase and HF will recycle the materials.
Oat milk wants to keep bragging and, like, we get it
Everybody’s favorite alt-milk brand Oatly just launched its own climate footprint label. It’s like seeing calories on the front of food packaging, but, um, earth calories, if you will? This is a good idea in a vacuum but, imho, a little underwhelming holistically. Unless every food product were to adopt the labeling practices, the point is kind of moot. I could go on, but, eh?
Scallions in a bottle
Genie who?! I saw this on Facebook. Brilliant and adorable.
Upcoming GLGG musings:
I guess this is more of a to-do list for myself, but holler at me if anything is of particular intruige to you:
Paper receipts are weally weally bad
Composting as a new mom is actually not possible if that new mom is me
I kind of want a home composter bin and am thinking about testing out a few (@ lomi, hit me up, girl!)
Alternatives to plastic wrap are off-putting because they have *a smell* but maybe I can get over it
I have thoughts about baby clothes and resale and none of it has to do with the six-word Hemingway story