It would be a good thing for all concerned if both plant-based and omnivore enthusiasts were aware of defects in the food supply that give rise to obesity and the chronic inflammatory diseases. What sort of defects. Excerpt from a 1996 Symposium entitled 'Biological Effects of Dietary Arachidonic Acid': "The underlying rationale for this symposium is that dietary arachidonic acid (AA) is perhaps the single most important nutritional determinant in regulating AA levels in Americans. This may ultimately account in part for the striking differences in chronic diseases between strict vegetarians and the bulk of the omnivorous population." Web search - Symposium: Biological Effects of Dietary Arachidonic Acid.
In vegetarians and vegans, linoleic acid intake determines arachidonic acid status. Web search - Mutant Vegetarian, David Brown Kassam.
Note that the American Heart Association claims that the highest intake levels of linoleic acid furnish protection from heart attack. Web search - Substantial increase in compliance with saturated fatty acid intake.
While it's true that a high intake of linoleic acid will keep a person slim and prevent heart attacks, there is a cost involved; varicose veins. Web search - linoleic acid varicose veins.
Note that while people with varicose veins are at reduced risk for heart attack earlier in life, they are at increased risk for congestive heart failure later on in life. Web search - varicose veins heart attack risk pubmed.
In the final analysis, the best strategy for vegetarians is to avoid linoleic acid-rich seed oils. And the best strategy for omnivores is to consume pastured animal products in moderation. Note that grain-fed chicken meat is about the worst choice where arachidonic acid intake is concerned. Web search - Anna Haug.
It would be a good thing for all concerned if both plant-based and omnivore enthusiasts were aware of defects in the food supply that give rise to obesity and the chronic inflammatory diseases. What sort of defects. Excerpt from a 1996 Symposium entitled 'Biological Effects of Dietary Arachidonic Acid': "The underlying rationale for this symposium is that dietary arachidonic acid (AA) is perhaps the single most important nutritional determinant in regulating AA levels in Americans. This may ultimately account in part for the striking differences in chronic diseases between strict vegetarians and the bulk of the omnivorous population." Web search - Symposium: Biological Effects of Dietary Arachidonic Acid.
In vegetarians and vegans, linoleic acid intake determines arachidonic acid status. Web search - Mutant Vegetarian, David Brown Kassam.
Note that the American Heart Association claims that the highest intake levels of linoleic acid furnish protection from heart attack. Web search - Substantial increase in compliance with saturated fatty acid intake.
While it's true that a high intake of linoleic acid will keep a person slim and prevent heart attacks, there is a cost involved; varicose veins. Web search - linoleic acid varicose veins.
Note that while people with varicose veins are at reduced risk for heart attack earlier in life, they are at increased risk for congestive heart failure later on in life. Web search - varicose veins heart attack risk pubmed.
In the final analysis, the best strategy for vegetarians is to avoid linoleic acid-rich seed oils. And the best strategy for omnivores is to consume pastured animal products in moderation. Note that grain-fed chicken meat is about the worst choice where arachidonic acid intake is concerned. Web search - Anna Haug.
Recommended YouTube search - Omega-6 Apocalypse.